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Our Mission

Affordable Family Law

Our mission is to help you achieve a successful conclusion to your family law matter, without breaking your budget.

Our options allow you to select a fix-priced or individual services.


Our aim to empower you to feel confident and be fully supported when making your way through the legal process and achieve as peaceful and cost effective outcome as possible. All our fees are based on each service provided, or a package that suits your particular matter. 


Whether you choose to be a self-representing litigant, seek full legal advice or somewhere in between, we have you covered.


All package fees are fixed and should you feel you need one on one assistance with one of our lawyers, the option is available to you at any stage of your process.

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Home, love, family, still life concept.

Keeping the 'family' feeling
throughout your family law journey

Separation and divorce not only affects your personal relationship with your ex, but often includes other family members, and most importantly any children of the relationship.


The process can often feels adversarial and not conciliatory which can put you in 'fight mode' before you have a chance to take a breath.


Our mission is to assist you through the process in a cost-effective and conciliatory manner, so once your matter is finalised, you still have your family values intact and your children and family members remain as unaffected as possible by your separation.



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Affordable Family Law & Mediation Pty.Ltd - CAN 680 263 021​

11/76 Township Drive, Burleigh Heads, QLD 4220

M: 1800 ITS OVER


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