Legal Support Options
Not everyone's journey is the same. You may feel more comfortable having legal support. Choose from the following options with guidance from our Family Lawyer.
Affidavits - 10 pages or less $1400

Affidavits are very important in court matters. The Court relies on written evidence, not verbal, so it's imperative your affidavit is factual and detailed. Compiling the best affidavit possible is to your advantage and what we do best!
Trial Preparation $395 per hour

Trials are to be avoided wherever possible. Our philospohy is to settle matters amicably, however, if the situation requires an extended legal process, it is difficult to state exactly how long and at what cost the whole process will take. Therefore, our fee is on an hourly basis,
Affidavits $395 ph

It is imperative in your matter to present a fully inclusive affidavit of all the evidence you wish to be heard in your matter. This affidavit needs to reflect your narrative in a factual manner and may include reports from professionals, child services, police, mental health specialists and others.
Outline of a Case from $1695

This document must be filed in accordance with any directions made by the Court and must follow a certain criteria. An affidavit will be required as well as a chronology of court documents and submissions, reports etc.
Contravention Order $2500

A Contravention Application is made to the court claiming that another party is not in compliance with a court order. The aim of bringing a Contravention Application before the court is to force compliance or to get a remedy for a past failure to follow a court order.
Recovery Order $2700

A child recovery order is an order of the court requiring a child to be returned to either the child’s parent or to an individual who has a parenting order.
For serious matters, child recovery orders can be processed immediately. For less serious matters, they can take a week or more. However, the court generally prioritises cases involving children and schedules the court date as soon as possible.
Super Splitting Assistance $1450

Often when you do a property settlement, one party will agree to transfer some of their superannuation to the other party as part of the settlement agreement. This process needs to be done in a certain order under the guidelines of the Court and the client's superannuation fund. In order to 'split super', certain procedures must be followed carefully. This cost is often shared between the parties.
Support at Mentions $395 p.h

What happens at first mention family court?
The judge will list the matter for a Mention. This is basically a short period of time before the judge where he, or she, checks that the people involved in the case have done all that they need to do in order to progress to the next stage. You may feel more confident having a lawyer with you on the day. Mentions are often done via video link.
Preparation for Mediation $395 p.h

You may choose to attend your parenting and/or property mediation unrepresented, but we do encourage you to be fully prepared to get the best outcome. We will help you identify the issues at hand, and discuss options around settlement and the process if the matter cannot be settled. Full disclosure is necessary at mediation so it is imperative you attend with a fully transparent portfolio which has been put together with the assistance of your lawyer in order to achieve a great result.
Attending Mediation $1495 half day

Your lawyer attending mediation is there to offer legal advice to you, usually in a private session, of the possible settlement options canvassed. Lawyers will often ‘reality test’ proposals for settlement to see that they legally meet your requirements and also those needed for a court to enforce the decision. Your lawyer is not there to influence the way the mediation is conducted, but to ensure that you understand the legal ramification of any agreement reached.